EDITOR’S NOTE: In a trend that will look to continue more in the near future, this is yet another guest post on WSOTP. This time it features to aspiring journalists detailing their experience of their first time in a professional grade press box. You can find out more about the authors at the end of the […]

In the world of soccer, there’s hardly a weekend that goes by where something seismic doesn’t rattle the internet. This weekend was no different. There were enormous results at the polar opposite ends of the Premier League. In Major League Soccer, the results weren’t necessarily earth shattering — but LA Galaxy’s Nigel De Jong provided […]

As you may have noticed, I dropped some news yesterday. And because of that news, WSOTP will be through some pretty massive changes. But worry not — and it looks like many of you did — the #Pondcast isn’t going away! And to prove that point, we’re dropping another episode the day after the big news. So what exactly is […]

When I started Wrong Side of the Pond close to seven years ago, I didn’t really have a plan in mind. I had just moved to Louisville for a non-soccer related job, and I was looking for a way to pass the time in a new city where I didn’t know anybody. Keeping a blog to spill the many, many thoughts […]